Riistetyt was originally named Cadgers. It was formed in end of 70's. In 81 (in fall of the year) they made a split with Kaaos (PTEP 01). Line-up was Lateri - voc., Perry - gtr., Piise - b. and Stydy - dr. In spring of 1982 Perry left the Cadgers and formed a band called Järjestyshäiriö (they did one great demo-tape, on vocals was Kake from Kaaos). Raipe replace Perry in guitar and so band became Riistetyt. "Laki ja järjestys" -ep (PTEP 03) came out in summer of 82. In fall of that year Piise left the Riistetyt (he was only 15 years old and he had something else) and Perry came back. The line-up: Lateri - voc., Perry - gtr., Raipe - b., Stydy - dr. They made the lp. "Valtion Vankina" (PRO 006), which came out in January 83. Then Raipe left and Piise came back to play bass. Next record was "Skitsofrenia" (PRO 018) 12" ep. It came out in spring of 1983. In that summer the line-up changed again, Piise and Stydy left on this time. New drummer and bass player was found from Kaaos, Jaska and me (Nappi). We were so fucking bored with Jakke. In October we made "Tuomiopäivä" (KILL 02) -ep, which came out until 1991 (I don't know the reason for this). A month later we did the studiosection for "Nightmares in Darkness" (RRR 34), it came out in next year. The live side on that album was recorded at Puntala festivals 83. After we were in studio Perry went to army and we had any guitarist. On that time we had the first Holy Dolls -project with Lateri. In December came Rike from Bastards to play guitar. He was very active to take care of gigs and other things of band but money was the only reason why he did all that. It became clear to me little bit later. Our Holy Dolls -project ispired him to form the Pyhät Nuket to addition for Riistetyt. We did with Riistetyt further one record "Raiskattu Tulevaisuus - Raped Future" (RRR 44). It came out later 1984, much more later than I left the band. On covers of that album they only thanked me for playing bass on that record. Ok that tells something about athmosphere in those days. I didn't get along with Rike, 'cos I noticed what kind of asshole he was. I left the band in April 84 and I formed the Kuolleet Kukat with Jakke. Riistetyt went to touring in USA in summer of that year. They had Make and Mika from TampereSS in guitar and bass there. I've heard that the music was only partically Riistetyt stuff in USA. Later they left Riistetyt completely and concentrated to Pyhät Nuket.
We restarted the band for the funeral of Lepakko in Nov. 1999 (Lepakko was legendary gigplace in Helsinki which was originally squated in 1979 and demolished by the Nokia in 1999). The line-up was Lazze-voc, Rike-guitar, Timo-drums and me-bass. In the beginning of 2000 we put Rike away, 'cos he came so bossy (actually he was same kind of asshole like in 80's) and we others didn't get along with him. Now we tried with two guitarists, Raimo and Vege. With that line-up we made an EP. "Tervetuloa Kuolema" (FIGHT 030) and little bit later Timo and Raimo moved away from the band. Perttu came to drums in Jan. 2001 and since that we've played with current line-up. Now we have made one LP "Kuka Valehtelee" (FIGHT036 / UDS 002) and 10" "Orjat Ja Kurjat" (FIGHT043) We've also toured several times in Europe and Brazil.
Riistetyt - 1983-1984
Riistetyt - As A Prisoner Of State
Riistetyt - Demo '82
Riistetyt - Laki Ja Jarjestys 7''
Riistetyt - Raped Future
Riistetyt - Skitsofrenia
Riistetyt - Tervetuloa Kuolema
Riistetyt - Unknown 7''
Riistetyt - Valtion Vankina
these don't work anymore. would it be possible to reup any? especially the first 3 links.
yea you should really repost these
Reup please?
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